
Monday, August 28, 2006

Godless: The Church of Liberalism

If one could liken William F. Buckley to a boxer, sparring elegantly but with devastating effect with his opponents, Ann Coulter would be a street fighter. Sean Hannity is a gentleman, yes, and we all appreciate it, but Michael Moore and Al Franken are not, and someone has to mix it up with them in the ring from time to time, and Michael Savage is just too--well--savage. Ann Coulter, on the other hand, is not afraid to mix it up, and her rapier wit not only slices their arguments to pieces, it makes short work of their intelligence and ethics as well.

So Ms. Coulter's newest book, Godless, made significant media waves upon its release. It has taken some time for me to get to it, but I was not disappointed. She likens the liberal credo to a religion and demonstrates how its adherents rely on, not intellectual, but pseudo-intellectual, emotional and--no, not spiritual, but definitely irrational arguments to justify their positions. Abortion, criminal rights, education, Darwinism, and science all have their place in the liberal faith construct.

It was interesting and illuminating, and exposed quite a bit of charlatanism that I suspected was out there but hadn't glimpsed. Once again, Ann exposes the most glaring inconsistencies of her liberal counterparts. Touche.


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